Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing
A form of therapy that utilizes bilateral stimulation (usually moving your eyes back and forth) to help process “stuck” memories.
When we experience trauma, the memory becomes encoded in fragments. That can be shown through experience body memory, narrative memory, and emotional memory. We become sensitive to stimulus that signals to the nervous system that the trauma is happening in present time so we are always ready to go in to fight, flight, or freeze.
EMDR will bring the memory forward while acknowledging the body sensations, emotions, and negative beliefs about oneself that is associated with the memory.
EMDR uses bilateral stimulation to reprocess the memory, encoding the memory, and letting the nervous system know the memory is in the past.
EMDR helps bring back one’s sense of safety.

EMDR is useful in the treatment of
Recent or past traumatic events
Current of past anxieties
Grief and Loss
Eating Disorders
Attachment Disorders
If you would like to read up more on EMDR, please click here.